Tag Archives: employement

Looking for a job? Try Iowa City!

In a time when unemployment rates seem to be skyrocketing and lead stories on the news tend to be about bailouts and layoffs, seeing Iowa City rated as on of the 30 best cities to find a job last week by CareerBuilder.com was a nice surprise. Especially for local job hunters!

According to the article, job seekers are much better off to look for employment in cities such as Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Idaho Falls, Idaho, and our own Iowa City, Iowa than New York, Chicago or Los Angles.

Why? These cities registered some of the lowest unemployment rates in September 2008 – something very few other metro areas can say. Unemployment rates were higher in 349 of the 369 U.S. metropolitan areas surveyed, which means 92 percent of cities have seen an increase in their unemployment rates.

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Filed under Great Places to Work, Why it's great to live here