Tag Archives: winterfest

The thermostat is dropping, but the fun is just heating up!

One of Iowa’s greatest blessings is the opportunity for residents to enjoy all four seasons. Although winter in Iowa can sometimes be best enjoyed from inside the house, there are some fun activities for those adventurous souls who like to bundle up and head outside.

Fun Stuff for the Kids!

Although it takes me just as long to get my 4-year-old ready to go outside as we actually spend outside, it’s still worth the work! We like to go sledding, and the corridor offers a number of fun hills for risk-takers of all abilities. The City of Cedar Rapids has information on ice skating rinks, and places to sled and ski.

Coralville is hosting their first annual Winterfest January 27th. From roasting chestnuts to a snowball fight, this event will have something for everyone in the family. And it is all FREE! If you can’t make it, be sure to mark your calendars for next year!

Cross Country Skiing

I would never dare, but a coworker seems to enjoy it! She says the Winter Sports Hotline (319) 286-5700 is up-to-date and usually has information on whether the trails are groomed or not. Hot spots in the Cedar Rapids area include: Ellis Park Golf Course, Twin Pines Golf Course, and the Sac and Fox Trail (near the Indian Creek Nature Center).

Down-Hill Skiing/Snowboarding

Although it’s not technically IN the corridor, downhill skiing can be found within a short drive. Sundown Mountain in Dubuque, IA boasts an amazing ski experience, and offers special times and programs for families. Chestnut Mountain is just across the Ole Mississippi in Galena, IL. This seven acre terrain park is one of the Midwest’s top rated ski resorts for skiing and snowboarding.


Snowmobiling is another winter favorite in Iowa, and they are having fun this year!

Bundle up and have fun!

Yeah, it might be a little cold outside, but that’s no excuse to get out and enjoy! Build a snowman, make a snow angel, or take advantage of some of the fun activities listed above.

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Filed under Celebrating the four seasons, Daytrips and Getaways, Stuff for kids to do